Wednesday, September 16, 2009

All you need to know about chocolate!

Did you know that there is a chocolate museum in Bruges, Belgium? It is called Choco-Story and is located in the historical Huis ‘de Crone’ building, "one of the largest medieval houses in Bruges". Museum walks visitors through the history of the chocolate, tells them secrets of making chocolate, lets them taste different sorts of chocolate and has all the variety of Belgian chocolates.

Check out their Web site at

You'll find there recipes, history of a chocolate, health facts and much more.
You can find some Things You never Knew About Chocolate in the Choco-Story' Press Kit (under downloads), such as:
Did you know that ...

… in bygone days chocolate was served to ladies of nobility during mass?
… the church banned the consumption of chocolate at one time because it was deemed to be an aphrodisiac?
… there are over 800 (!) different constituents in chocolate?
… chocolate contains antioxidants (e.g polyphenols) that help prevent heart disease and cancer?
The information and picture are taken from


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