Thursday, September 24, 2009

What’s better than food? Food and a Beer!

The third most popular drink after water and tea!
So whenever you go overseas here is how to order beer in 10 languages!

Chinese Ching gay woh ee bay pee joh
Dutch Un beer, ahls-yer-bleeft
French Oon bee-air, seel voo pleh
German Ine beer, bitt-uh
Irish Byohr awoyn, lyeh doh hull
Italian Oo-na beer-ra, pair fa-vo-re
Japanese Bee-ru ip-pon ku-da-sai
Portuguese U Oo-ma ser-vay-ja, poor fa-vohr
Russian Pee-vah pah-zha-loosta
Spanish Oo-na ser-veh-sa, por fa-vor

…but if you decide to stay home you can just use the good old “gimme a bud”



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