Chicken and Carrots Salad
I'd like to share the recipe that everyone loves. It is Russian style again. It means that there are some calories in it. But only in mayo, which is not that bad.
What you need for this salad:
- Carrots
- Onions
- Chicken (white or dark meat or both)
- Dried prunes
- Mayonnaise
- Salt
- Pepper or garlic powder to your taste
As always, I'm not trying to convince you, my dear readers, in any better way of making the meal. I want you to know all the variations that you can choose from.
First, chicken, carrots and onions need to be prepared.
Poach chicken for a little while in salted water. I usually use chicken legs and a little bit of chicken breast meat and let it simmer for about one hour. When chicken is poached for a while its meat peels off easily from the bones. I don't use only white meat, because it tends to be drier than dark one. But you can always use it! You don't have to boil chicken for a long time if it's only boneless breast. Look here for some info about boiling chicken breast: - find remember, take chicken breast out as soon as it turns from red to white inside. Don't overcook it, it'll get dry.
Cut cooked chicken in bite-sized pieces.
Boil carrots. Variations that exist here are:
* I peel carrots first and then boil until cooked. Just poke them and make sure they are soft inside.
* Some people boil carrots first and then peel them. Theoretically, it is supposed to be easier to peel a cooked carrot, but, personally, it takes me longer to do so.
* Some people grate raw carrots and then sauté them. I don't use this way because it is harder to grate raw carrots then cooked carrots if you use hand grater and because you need to use some amount of oil or butter, which make the salad heavier. If you have food processor with a grater attachment and prefer to cook carrots this way - go ahead and do so!
Grate cooked carrots.
Chop one large raw onion and sauté it until golden.
Cut prunes in halves (or smaller pieces). I usually wash prunes beforehand and, if they are not soft enough, I let them soak in the water for about 15-20 minutes.
Mix grated cooked carrots, chopped chicken, sautéed onions, prunes and mayo. Add salt to you taste. I usually add some powdered garlic. Use some pepper if you want.
This is mostly chicken and carrots salad, but onions and prunes add some unforgettable taste to it. Don't add too much of them. For a pound of carrots and pound of chicken I used one large onion and a handful of prunes.
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