Fall's Favorite: Pumpkin.
There are many meals that can be done with pumpkin. Today I decided to try two different recipes that I found on the Russian Web sites. I have never cooked anything with pumpkin before, so this was totally new field for me. First recipe is a pumpkin and raisins dessert, and second one is pumpkin casserole. At the end I enjoyed latter one more. In this post I'll share the firts recipe:
Pumpkin with raisins and cream desert
You'll need:
Pumpkin (I used about a pound)
Cream (Half and half), amount depends on the baking dish size. Raisins (about a half a cup)
Sugar (to your taste)
Butter (1-2 table spoons)
Vanillin (to your taste)
Mix cubed pumpkin with sugar and vanillin. Use natural, not artificial vanillin for better taste. Artificial vanillin gives a bitter taste to your meal. I used about 5-6 tablespoons of sugar. Let the pumpkin with sugar stay for several minutes.
Meanwhile, prepare the baking dish (or dishes). Spread butter on its buttom.
Layer pumpking and raisins in the dish.
Cover pumpkin and raisins with the cream. Pour crem to the point when there are still some pieces shown.
On the pickture you can see how it looked after I took it out of the oven. I carefully took the creamy film off.
Serve cold.
Come back to our site in the couple days to check pumkin casserole recipe!
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